Burstcoin Softfork Propositions
Burstcoin Softfork Propositions
The Softfork Wishlist is to record changes to Burstcoin that might be desirable, but that will require a “soft” block-chain split (consensus of the miners). These changes are implemented by convincing a majority of the miners to reject or discourage blocks previously considered valid.
The following items have been proposed:
Cryptographic changes
- Support for more than one public-key cryptosystem.
- Support for a post-quantum signature scheme. Lamport signatures have nice intuitive security properties, but it has extreme space requirements that would require structural changes to the blockchain to accommodate, namely pruning. However, other post-quantum schemes like IEEE1363.1 (patent expired in 2016) do not. See the introductory chapter of DJB’s book and the PQCrypto conference webpage for complete details.
To contact the development team or request assistance with anything related to this project, please contact us on the Burstcoin Discord channel.