Burstcoin Messaging


A powerful platform that provides blockchain-based person-to-person communication as well decentralized program interaction.

Encrypted Messaging

Protected with military-grade public-key cryptography.  Messages are encrypted with the receiver’s public key but can only be decrypted with their private key.


Messages can be attached to any BURST transfer without an additional fee.  Perfect for interfacing with business partner’s information systems.

Burstcoin Messaging

The Burstcoin messaging system transmits data strings of up to 1000 bytes in length from one account to another through the blockchain.  Because this data can be of any form or structure, messages can be public plain text public messages, encrypted private messages, or data transmissions for interacting with blockchain-based programs or triggering on-chain events.  Because of this versatility, the system is referred to as the “arbitrary messaging system.”

Applications that use this system can implement encoding, decoding, linked messages, data structures, and more.  The base implementation is to transmit messages between accounts, but the range of possible applications includes torrent applications, voting systems, data storage systems, distributed applications, and higher-level Burstcoin functions.

Encrypting Messages

Burstcoin messages are encrypted by default.  The system uses public-key cryptology as a security feature.  With public-key cryptology, the sender and receiver do not share a decryption key.  Messages are encrypted using the receiving account’s public key but can only be decrypted using the receiving account’s private key.

Sending Messages

Each wallet application and software package implements the messaging service in slightly different ways.  For specifics, refer to the wallet application’s user guide.  However, the following are general steps that are common to most applications.

  • Open the messages section and click on the link or icon for sending messages.
  • Enter the recipient account’s Burstcoin address in the provided field.
  • Enter a message of up to 1000 bytes in the message field.  (A notification is displayed if a message exceeds this limit).
  • Mark the appropriate check-boxes to send as encrypted or plain text.
  • Enter the sending account’s passphrase in the passphrase field.
  • Click on “Send Message.”

While the network is processing the message, it will appear in italics in the transactions area.  After the network has processed the message, it will be listed in regular font.  Messages are processed according to the block schedule, which is every four minutes on average.

Receiving messages

  • Open the messages section for a list of received messages in an in-box style.
  • Follow your software’s user guide for specifics on locating specific messages.
  • Encrypted messages will display a notification indicating that a passphrase is required to decrypt the message.
  • Use the functions provided to reply to the sender’s message if desired.

Attachment Messages

Each message incurs the minimum transaction fee when it is transmitted separately as a stand-alone transaction.  However, messages that are attached to another transaction are free of transaction fees.  For example, if a message is attached to a payment transaction to tag it for bookkeeping purposes, there is no additional transaction fee.

Sending and Receiving Messages Using the BURSTCOIN API

All messages can be sent using a wallet interface, but the functions can also be incorporated using the Burstcoin API for programming purposes.  See High-Level API calls for implementing arbitrary messages under the Arbitrary Message System Operations section.

To contact the development team or request assistance with anything related to this project, please contact us on the Burstcoin Discord channel.