Getting Started
Thanks for visiting the list of Burstcoin faucets. If you are just getting started, please also review the Getting Started guide which contains important information for success with Burstcoin.
The definitive collection of open-source and easy to use software is located in the Burstcoin Software Library.
Visit the Burstcoin Documentation Project for more information. Contribute new documentation or recommend improvements.
Activate a new wallet for mining or to receive a transfer from Bittrex. Visit the Burstcoin Community Faucet list.
Supporting new users, this section contains Frequently Asked Questions. Help curate by visiting the documentation section.
Burstcoin Faucets
Burstcoin faucets provide the initial transaction fee necessary to activate a new account’s public key. These are useful for meeting the unique requirement of Bittrex for making a transfer off of their exchange (transfers can only be made to accounts with an activated public key). They can also be used to secure the transaction fee needed for setting the reward recipient for a new mining account.
The faucets listed here are reliable and verified. In the unlikely event that you experience difficulty with a particular faucet, please select an alternative from the list. Alternatively, you are welcome to visit the official discord channel and request assistance. Requests for the amount necessary to cover an initial transaction fee are usual and welcomed.
Please note: All Burstcoin faucets operate with donated funds. Please make a donation to the faucet that you use when you are able to do so.
Verified Burstcoin Community Faucets
Support your faucet providers . . .
Every Burstcoin distributed through these Burstcoin faucets was mined ecologically on a hard drive as beautiful as this one. We are not sure about that second part, but we’d like to think so. We are sure, however, that faucets work best when they are overflowing with coins to help new users get started with Burstcoin.
Please support these community faucet operators with a small donation. Their donation addresses can be found when accessing the faucet sites. Burstcoin faucets are integral to the growth of Burstcoin, and professionally operated sites help to carry the positive image of this innovative community-based coin.
My faucet is not listed here? What should I do?
Requirements for listing your Burstcoin faucet here:
Burstcoin faucets should be served from secure resources using https (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), should not be supported with advertising revenue, and should not make use of a visitor’s computer resources in any way other than to provide the services of the faucet. Faucets should be intended as a non-profit service to those who are new to the Burstcoin community and should be maintained to be reliably operational.